Highlights of Sumatra
Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world and yet remains largely unexplored by western tourists, lagging a long way behind Bali and Java in terms of annual visitor numbers. The scenery here is remarkable and diverse with thick virgin forests, lush vegetation, powerful rivers, beautiful waterfalls, peaceful sandy beaches and large volcanic lakes. Wildlife lovers will enjoy the elephant camp at Tangkahan and the large Orangutan Sanctuary at Bukit Lawang and those after a cultural experience can immerse themselves in the many ancient tribal cultures found across the island.
Back to All Regions of IndonesiaLocated roughly halfway between Medan and Lake Toba, Berastagi is a large town set in the fertile plains of the volcanic Karo Highlands. The town flourished in the Dutch era, as the traders flocked to this lush cool location set 1300m above sea level.
Bukit Lawang is a small riverside village in North Sumatra with the largest rehabilitation sanctuary for the Sumatran Orangutan, and the main access point for hikes and treks in the Gunung Leuser National Park.
Set in the Minangkabau Highlands north of Padang, the market town of Bukittinggi is considered the cultural heartland of West Sumatra.
Created by an enormous seismic event thousands of years ago, Lake Toba is surrounded by beautiful natural surroundings and is a great place to spend a few days relaxing and learning about the unique local Batak culture.
Located in the northeast of Sumatra, Medan is a bustling city with a population of around 2 million people, and the largest conurbation outside Java. Although the city is hectic at times, there is a vibrant food scene and a number of colonial villas, open green spaces and modern shopping malls to explore.