When to visit - Mongolia
Best times to visit Mongolia
The optimum conditions for travelling to Mongolia is between June and August, when the climate is predominantly dry and sunny. Precipitation levels are notoriously low as the country is surrounded by high mountains and is far from seas and oceans, hence Mongolia is often referred to as the ‘Land of Blue Skies’ with an average of 250 days of sunshine per year. Even in this best season for visiting Mongolia, the weather can be unpredicatable, with occasional thunderstorms and cold snaps. Overall the weather is good more often than not during this period, and any bad weather often passes very quickly.
Good times to visit Mongolia
May and September are both good months to visit Mongolia, although you will need to be prepared for some cold air temperatures - especially at night times. Mongolian weather in May is normally quite dry and sunny, but also windy, with temperatures fluctuating between 10-20°C during the day and 0-10°C at night. In September the weather is also dry and sunny, but less windy and colder, with temperatures between 0-20°C at day and -5 to +5°C at night.
Very cold times to visit Mongolia
The cold months in Mongolia start in October, and the winter runs through until the end of April. October starts off with some reasonable conditions, but temperatures start dropping to below zero by day, and some snowfall is expected. From November until April temperatures in Mongolia can be as low as -30°C by day and -40°C by night, which leaves little opportunity for activities other than dog sledding and ice skating.
- Best time to travelBest time to travel
- Good time to travelGood time to travel
- Green seasonGreen season
- Cool temperaturesCool temperatures
- Very coldVery cold